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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lessons learned, knowledge gained from witnessing at Calvary Chapel O'Hare Block Party

Share ideas, insights, problems, suggestions from experience street witnessing at Calvary Chapel O'Hare block party.


  1. I noticed we had some of Greg Laurie's "Ben BornAgain" booklets at the table at the end of the magic show but not while we were out at the block party. I think it would have been advantageous for the Street Witnessing team to have some on hand to pass out at the block party when someone accepts Christ. Once they pray to receive Christ, we should take the extra step to go through the four next steps: 1.) Pray, 2.) Fellowship with other believers, 3.) Read the Bible, 4.) tell others.

    Any thoughts?

  2. In general, I thought the street witnessing at the Calvary Chapel O'Hare Block party event went well. I did learn about three things I would like to share from the experience as follows.
    1. More scripture memorization can make street witnessing more effective. Making more time for Scripture memorization is essential because it helps you keep them in your heart, and to recall the scriptures more accurately at a time when it is needed.
    2. I recommend and suggest going out two by two (whenever possible) instead of going out just by yourself for witnessing. Going out in two's is how Jesus said to preach the Gospel. This can be more effective because one person can pray, and one person being lead by the Spirit can share their faith.
    3. Timely follow up (within two weeks) helps determine if a true conversion to the Salvation of Christ has taken place, gets information to those in need, and helps them understand the commitment they are making at a critical time in their walk.

  3. I learned a number of helpful things from this experience:

    1.STUDY to show myself approved. (2 Timothy 2:15)
    The night before the block party, there was no electricity in my place. I used candles to see, and I was copying Scripture references that I have found useful in talking to folks, because the Spirit is alive in His Word. Because I had to squint to see what I was reading and writing, I really had to pay attention to every word, verses I've read many times before. Revelations came to me about specific verses that I'd never had before, and that energized me to want to share those truths in witnessing.

    2. DEPEND upon the Spirit. (John 16:8). The New Testament often records how Jesus would spend long times alone in prayer and, even when with others, was in constant communication with the Father. In John 5:19, He said, "The Son by Himself can do nothing." Since that is true, and the Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment, I had to pray much before and while talking to people. Whatever happened occurred through me and in the hearts and minds of those listening, but I did nothing, except be a vessel. I am reminded of this every time I share the Gospel. There was a group of mostly Spanish-speaking women sitting in front of the house on the block, and my Spanish is not that good, especially my Bible Spanish (I don't have verses memorized in Spanish). I hesitated to talk with them, because of that, yet ultimately decided to give it a shot. To my mind, it was one of the most powerful ways that God used me, as the Spirit was giving me verses, that I did not know in Spanish, to share with them. The woman to whom I was primarily speaking repented and took faith. Another time, I was sharing with some boys, and I wanted to be sure that both of us understood why-- after they said they wanted to repent and accept Christ--they had salvation. An analogy came to mind of "dirty shoes." "Your mom won't let you in your house when your shoes are dirty, will she?" I asked. "No," they said. "Then why are you saved?" One said, because Jesus gave me His shoes. Wow! Out of the mouths of babes is perfected praise!

    3. The Gospel is Law to the proud and grace to the humble. (James 4:6). For those whom I felt easily understood their condition before God, and accepted the foundations of the Gospel (sin, atonement, resurrection, faith) it seemed the Spirit lead me to share more of God's grace and love than to bring conviction of least those were the verses that came from my mouth at those times.


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